
Publilius Syrus, was a 1st century Syrian from Antioch. He said,

“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.“ 

The real test of leadership is when the pressure is on!

What happens when there's a crisis or things are not going well, or we are receiving undue influence from those in authority over us?

Do we revert to our old habits and command and control ways, or do we go deeper into what we know is effective?

I wrote a series called “Crisis Champions” to help leaders during the pandemic crisis.

In essence it was that the fundamentals of leadership as we know to be true remain the same, but the iterative cycle of connection and communication needs to increase.

Plus, the need to be hyper transparent comes to the fore. It's true that anyone can be a leader when there's not much going on.

Are you the kind of leader that can thrive in a crisis?

If not, learn how, learn now.


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