
Donald Rumsfeld, the controversial Defense Secretary and long serving US politician said,

“Don’t necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership."

This highlights the importance of embracing the sharp edges, or challenging aspects, of leadership. While it's natural to prefer a smooth and conflict-free path, tackling difficult situations head-on is often necessary for growth, progress, and effective decision-making.

As a leader, you'll face tough choices, engage in difficult conversations, and confront resistance. Embracing these sharp edges demonstrates your commitment to your organization's goals, your team's well-being, and the resolution of conflicts. This approach fosters respect, trust, and resilience among your team members.

Do not shy away from challenges or uncomfortable situations. Instead, view them as opportunities to learn, grow, and strengthen your leadership skills. By navigating these sharp edges with courage and determination, you will become a more effective leader and inspire your team to excel, even in the face of adversity.


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