Growth Drivers: Clarity

If you want growth on scale, and who doesn't, then you only need three things. Clarity, Productivity and Scalability. The starting point for this transformation is Clarity.

Robin Sharma said that "Clarity precedes success." There's a lot of insight in that simple sentence. Without Clarity there is confusion and complication. Organisations that lack clarity have competing priorities; are focusing sometimes on good things, but not on the great things that really drive success. Without Clarity, there is an increase in complexity; people are confused with what they should focus on, priorities are clouded, and teams become inefficient and ineffective. Bobb Biehl said it best when he said:

"Without focusing and getting to Clarity you cannot lead. You cannot motivate. You cannot plan. You cannot communicate."

But when you get this right, just wow! There is something that changes in an organisation when it has absolute Clarity on what is important, on what to truly focus on. All the resources available come to bear on a few simple outcomes and mountains get moved. Clarity sits between ‘Explore’ which is the ability to discover understand and focus on what will bring success, and ‘Engage’; the capability to collaborate and motivate to action. When these two pillars of breakthrough growth are activated, Clarity results. In the rapid transformation of Gloria Jean's Coffees we went from complexity and confusion to clarity with a single page plan (Explore) universally communicated (Engage); this resulted in not only arresting decline but in a turnaround to growth, and a significant breakthrough.

"Clarity is like focusing a strong source of light on your goal to make it more visible. With clarity of purpose comes acceptance of the mission and the job at hand." According to Dr. McWinner Yawman.

The natural question therefore is how you get clarity? As I've said it sits between Engage and Equip. It is an outcome of a set of simple tasks. These tasks and actions are relatively simple and defined in our Stragile process. When we Explore we appraise the environment, align ourselves to trends, ensure there is clear focus, and activate through clear ownership and a review cycle. This is coupled with Engage, where we learn to collaborate, coordinate and communicate, in a way that drives connexion, motivation and a sense of ownership in the team.

So, Clarity is important, but it doesn't sit by itself, the other two drivers of growth are Productivity and Scalability.

In the next video we're going to cover Productivity; why it's important and how to build it. If you'd like to know more about our Stragile method and how you can achieve your $100 million breakthrough, book a 15 minute ‘Discovery Call’   or at Look out of the next video on Productivity. Talk soon.

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