
Author and business commentator, Brian Tracy said,

Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.” 

This statement emphasizes the solution-oriented mindset that distinguishes leaders from followers. This perspective rings true, as effective leaders focus on finding ways to overcome obstacles, encouraging their teams to think creatively and adapt to challenges.

The lesson for us as leaders is to foster a proactive, problem-solving culture within our organizations. By shifting the focus from problems to solutions, leaders can inspire employees to take ownership, collaborate, and innovate. This mindset boosts morale, enhances productivity, and promotes a positive work environment.

Our response to this should be to lead by example, demonstrate our commitment to finding solutions and openly recognise employees who exhibit similar attitudes.

Additionally, we can provide resources, training, and opportunities for skill development, empowering our teams to tackle challenges and contribute to our organization's success.


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